
discworld 5

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Corgi Books 2012 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

Det var en gang en åttende sønn av en åttende sønn. Han var naturlig nok, trollmann. Og der skulle det ha sluttet. Han hadde imidlertid (av grunner vi ikke skal gå nærmere inn på her) syv sønner. Så fikk han en åttende sønn - en trollmann i annen potens. En magiens kilde. En kildetrollmann. Dette er femte bok i serien om Skiveverdenen.

Omtale fra forlaget

All this books and stuff, that isn't what it should all be about. What we need is real wizardry. There was an eighth son of an eighth son. He was, quite naturally, a wizard. And there it should have ended. However (for reasons we'd better not go into), he had seven sons. And then he had an eighth son ...a wizard squared ...a source of magic ...a Sourcerer. Unseen University has finally got what it wished for: the most powerful wizard on the disc. Which, unfortunately, could mean that the death of all wizardry is at hand. And that the world is going to end, depending on whom you listen to. Unless of course one inept wizard can take the University's most precious artefact, the very embodiment of magic itself, and deliver it halfway across the disc to safety...


Forlag Corgi Books

Utgivelsesår 2012

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780552166638

EAN 9780552166638

Serie Discworld

Genre Humor Fantasy

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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The wizard raised an eyebrow, yellow fire sprang up around the shellfish salesman, there was a noise like tearing silk, and Koble had vanished. All that was left was his boots, standing forlornly on the cobbles with little wisps of smoke coming out of them.

No-one knows why smoking boots always remain, no matter how big the explosion. It seems to be just one of those things.

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Rincewind tried to scream through gritted teeth. His ankles were already beginning to sweat.

'I'm not going to ride on a magic carpet!' he hissed. 'I'm afraid of grounds!'

'You mean heights,' said Conina. 'And stop being silly.'

'I know what I mean! It's the grounds that kill you!'

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Bibliotekaren dukket da en svartebok i skinnbind suste ut fra hyllen sin og med et rykk stanset midt i luften i enden av kjettingen sin.

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It's rather like the other saying they've never been able to understand, which is that you can't cross the same river twice. Experiments with a long-legged wizard and a small river say you can cross the same river thirty, thirty-five times a minute

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Det var fullt ut mulig at det var en hemmelig dør til fantastiske verdener, men ingen hadde noen gang forsøkt å finne ut av det på grunn av den plagsomme lukten av møllkuler.

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