Solstice at Stonewylde

book 3

Stonewylde series

av (forfatter).

2011 Heftet

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Yul stands at the threshold between life and death. Poisoned at the festival of the dead, his life now hangs by a thread. More than his own will to survive, it's his fellow Stonewylders who must save him. But will they, when Magus has done so much to undermine Yul and turn the people against him? Yet there are cracks in Magus' following. When he confesses a secret that shocks the community, the Stonewylde folk begin to understand his true nature. Magus' spiral into obsession and darkness continues, his kindness and charm now vanished. The cruelty that lies beneath is becoming clear is the deadly web of deceit and betrayal in which Yul and Sylvie are trapped. The Winter Solstice approaches and Yul and Sylvie refuse to give up hope. But Sylvie is unaware of Magus' real plans for her and she's horrified when he finally shows his hand. Can this really be why she was brought to Stonewylde? As the final conflict draws near, how can she avoid Magus' trap? Yul will need all his strength, and all his supporters, if he is to make a stand and put an end to what Magus has started. As the darkness draws in around them, the wise woman on the hill makes a chilling prophecy. There is no escape and no compromise when death comes knocking: five will die at Stonewylde. The only question is who ...


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780575098879

EAN 9780575098879

Genre Fantastisk litteratur

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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