Small business solutions for networking

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Microsoft Press 2000 Heftet

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Use expert strategies and Microsoft technologies to keep your small business connected - and growing. With index.

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Small Business Solutions#11;for Networking
Build the right-sized network to keep your small business growing!
If you're running two or more PCs in your office, here's expert guidance for building a network that quickly multiplies the computing power for your small business. This practical, solutions-focused book can help you make the right bottom-line decisions for building a secure and reliable network with Microsoft technologies. Your network, e-mail, and Internet connections don't have to be complex or expensive - and in many cases you can do the work yourself. This guide walks you through the key business and technical considerations, providing the answers you need to:
. Set up e-mail, instant messaging, and online meeting software so employees can communicate and collaborate in real time#11;. Find the best free and low-cost Internet connection sharing software - including using the built-in capabilities in the Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition and Windows 2000 operating systems#11;. Match a network solution to your business needs - from direct PC-to-PC connections to thin servers and high-powered client/server systems#11;. Understand what kinds of network operations you can build and manage yourself - and which require the full- or part-time services of a professional administrator#11;. Help your company save money - and work smarter - by sharing files, printers, programs, removable-media drivers, and other resources#11;. Follow the numbered, do-it-yourself tips that make running cables and installing other network hardware and software go faster and smoother#11;. Use remote access software so you can dial in from home or on the road


Forlag Microsoft Press

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780735606852

EAN 9780735606852

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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