Sir Walter Raleigh

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Penguin 2003 Heftet

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Soldier, explorer, scholar and ambitious courtier in the shark-pool of Elizabethan politics, Sir Walter Raleigh is the epitome of the English Renaissance man. Yet to many of his day he was an arrogant liar, who deserved every one of his 13 years in the Tower of London. To a vain and ageing Queen, he was the betrayer of her affections. And to the Spanish, he was the most hated of pirates. Was Sir Walter Raleigh a hero - or a deceiver, terrorist and ruthless adventurer? What caused his rising star to fall so dramatically, ending with his execution in 1618? And what was the truth behind his tempestuous relationship with Elizabeth, "dear Empress of my heart"? Raleigh Trevelyan reveals the truth in this portrait of one of the most charismatic, romantic and misunderstood figures of the Elizabethan age.

Omtale fra forlaget

Soldier, explorer, scholar and ambitious courtier in the shark-pool of Elizabethan politics, Sir Walter Raleigh is the epitome of the English Renaissance man. Yet to many of his day he was an arrogant liar, who deserved every one of his 13 years in the Tower of London. To a vain and ageing Queen, he was the betrayer of her affections. And to the Spanish, he was the most hated of pirates. Was Sir Walter Raleigh a hero - or a deceiver, terrorist and ruthless adventurer? What caused his rising star to fall so dramatically, ending with his execution in 1618? And what was the truth behind his tempestuous relationship with Elizabeth, "dear Empress of my heart"? Raleigh Trevelyan reveals the truth in this portrait of one of the most charismatic, romantic and misunderstood figures of the Elizabethan age.


Forlag Penguin

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780140283211

EAN 9780140283211

Omtalt tid 1600-tallet

Omtalt sted Storbritannia

Omtalt person Raleigh, Walter, Sir

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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