Simple and silly social-cultural strategies to fight isolation in higher education

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Information is Power 2023 Heftet

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Indeed, scholarly literature has communicated the challenges facing higher education students with isolation. Most have indicated that interaction with relevant people in the learning community, acceptance of students' culture, and students' willingness to learn new social-relational contextual culture can solve isolation problems. However, no literature exists guiding students on how to master the required social-relational contextual culture for their integration. As a result, almost fifty percent of students who join higher education drop out. Most fail to integrate due to failing to practice the contextual required social culture appropriately. Even though institutions have received information from stakeholders on how vital it is to support students in acquiring a sense of belonging through integration, little has been done practically on this topic. Indeed, some social-cultural aspects are hidden and unspoken, so understanding them can be challenging. Besides, universities have not seen the need to teach students silly social-cultural elements discussed in this book even when officials appreciate their importance.
So, it is time to support students with silly, simple, and unspeakable social-relational information because such marginalized issues have become a primary cause of student attrition. It is not the hardship of solving algebra equations leading to student attrition, but mostly social-relational issues. Thus, students feel abandoned in many universities because they cannot integrate and remain in an isolated learning environment, especially doctoral students in humanity and art. These students normally deal with individual research projects that allow them to detach from each other and their learning agencies.
Therefore, this book aims to support students with reliable and practical information to help them comprehend contextual social norms and practice them appropriately. Furthermore, it provides a step-by-step process to cope with social-cultura


Forlag Information is Power

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788299867283

EAN 9788299867283

Språk Engelsk

Sider 190

Utgave 1

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