Shipwrecked on the top of the world

four against the Arctic

av (forfatter).

Time Warner books 2005 Heftet

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In 1743 a Russian ship bound for Arctic walrus-hunting grounds was wrecked by ice, stranding four of its crew - the only survivors - on a tiny island. With minimal provisions they endured six years of ice-bound hell: they collected driftwood for fires and with homemade lances killed ten polar bears (nine of which attacked them) for food. Concluding with Roberts' own four-man expedition to the desolate island where the ordeal took place, this riveting book explores more than just the struggle of men against nature - it ponders the genius of survival against impossible odds which turns a true story into a legend that, centuries later, still fires the imagination.

Omtale fra forlaget

In 1743 a Russian ship bound for Arctic walrus-hunting grounds was wrecked by ice, stranding four of its crew - the only survivors - on a tiny island. With minimal provisions they endured six years of ice-bound hell: they collected driftwood for fires and with homemade lances killed ten polar bears (nine of which attacked them) for food. Concluding with Roberts' own four-man expedition to the desolate island where the ordeal took place, this riveting book explores more than just the struggle of men against nature - it ponders the genius of survival against impossible odds which turns a true story into a legend that, centuries later, still fires the imagination.


Forlag Time Warner books

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780751536898

EAN 9780751536898

Omtalt tid 1700-tallet

Omtalt sted Svalbard

Språk Engelsk

Sider 304

Utgave 1

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