Sex, lies and fairytales

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Bantam Books 2006 Heftet

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Lottery winner Cleo Dowling is living her dream, running a bookshop in the sleepy village of Kilrowan and larking around with her gorgeous painter husband, Pablo. But the dream turns into a nightmare when Pablo accepts a commission to paint a portrait of a Dublin 4 princess. Bestselling author Pixie Pirelli is a media consultant's dream, running the treadmill of red carpets, chat shows and book signings. But Pixie's big smile masks a hurt so bad she's forced to trade in her glittering career for a quiet life in the sticks. She can run, but she can't hide. Sussed city girl Hazel MacNamara has a list of celebrities with ex-directory, top secret phone numbers on her organiser. Which of these luminaries will dazzle obligingly and make the Kilrowan Arts Festival the must-attend event of the Irish social calendar?

Omtale fra forlaget

Lottery winner Cleo Dowling is living her dream, running a bookshop in the sleepy village of Kilrowan and larking around with her gorgeous painter husband, Pablo. But the dream turns into a nightmare when Pablo accepts a commission to paint a portrait of a Dublin 4 princess. Bestselling author Pixie Pirelli is a media consultant's dream, running the treadmill of red carpets, chat shows and book signings. But Pixie's big smile masks a hurt so bad she's forced to trade in her glittering career for a quiet life in the sticks. She can run, but she can't hide. Sussed city girl Hazel MacNamara has a list of celebrities with ex-directory, top secret phone numbers on her organiser. Which of these luminaries will dazzle obligingly and make the Kilrowan Arts Festival the must-attend event of the Irish social calendar?


Forlag Bantam Books

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780553817058

EAN 9780553817058

Omtalt sted Irland

Språk Engelsk

Sider 537

Utgave 1

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