Scribbling the cat

travels with an African soldier

av (forfatter).

Picador 2005 Heftet

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This is the authors account of her journey from Zambia through Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the company of K, a white battle-scarred veteran of the Rhodesian war, a born-again Christian with blood on his hands. Alexandra and K revisit the scenes of the war, and on the travels meet other veterans who will never be able to leave it behind.

Omtale fra forlaget

This is the authors account of her journey from Zambia through Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the company of K, a white battle-scarred veteran of the Rhodesian war, a born-again Christian with blood on his hands. Alexandra and K revisit the scenes of the war, and on the travels meet other veterans who will never be able to leave it behind.


Forlag Picador

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330435840

EAN 9780330435840

Omtalt sted Mosambik Zambia Zimbabwe

Språk Engelsk

Sider 256

Utgave 1

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