Scandinavian mountains and peaks over 2000 meters in the Hurrungane

walks, scrambles, climbs and ski tours in Scandinavia's most spectacular mountains

av (forfatter) og James Baxter (illustratør).

Scandinavian Publ. 2005 Innbundet

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This book is a guide to the Hurrungane, with descriptions of the main ascent routes to all the mountains. The routes are shown on individual maps. There are also descriptions of all the marked and unmarked walking paths and ski routes in and around Hurrungane. Hurrungane has a diversity of natural history in habitats ranging from lush forests through to montane and tundra, up to the high glaciated peaks. The book includes descriptions of most of the flora and fauna found in these habitats.

Omtale fra forlaget

Hurrungane is arguably the most alpine region in Scandinavia. This book is the complete guide to the region. Within are detailed descriptions of the main ascent routes and also some alternative ascent routes to all the mountains. These routes are shown on the beautifully individual maps. There are also detailed descriptions of all the marked and unmarked walking paths and ski routes in and around Hurrungane. These paths cater for all levels of exploration and, while some cross glaciers, others follow picturesque drove roads to the summer meadows. Hurrungane has a diversity of natural history in habitats ranging from lush forests through to montane and tundra and then on up to the high glaciated peaks. Included in this book are descriptions of most of the flora and fauna found in these habitats.


Forlag Scandinavian Publ.

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780955049705

EAN 9780955049705

Omtalt sted Sogn og Fjordane

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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