Scandinavian green

simple ways to eat vegetarian, every day

av (forfatter).

Quadrille 2020 Innbundet

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Scandinavian Green is a beautifully inspiring exposition of eating plants. In this timely book, Trine has created naturally inspiring recipes that make fruit and veg shine so brightly that home cooks will lose the habit of making meat the hero of the dinner plate. In a nod to the Scandinavian way of eating, the book offers over 100 vegetable-focussed recipes and incredible photography shot over a whole year to encourage anyone wanting to cut down on meat consumption to experiment with a wide range of fruit and veg, to entertain family and friends with plant-based feasts, and to change the focus of mealtimes for a greener way to cook and eat. The recipes take you through each season and include mains, breads, sweets, pantry staples and some special dishes for cooking outside.


Forlag Quadrille

Utgivelsesår 2020

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781787135406

EAN 9781787135406

Språk Engelsk

Sider 304

Utgave 1

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