Satan's tail

av (forfatter) og Jim Defelice (forfatter).

HarperCollins 2005 Heftet

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The seventh in the series of high-tech thrillers centred on Dreamland. Dreamland is a cutting-edge weapons research facility in the Nevada desert, home to some of the world's finest pilots and an elite combat unit that operates directly at the command of the US President. When a small flotilla of high speed boats begins harassing civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden below the Red Sea, a special group of experimental warships is tasked to investigate and stop the pirates. The operation is lead by Captain Harold Storm Gale, but the danger is considerably greater than they first envisioned and lives are lost. Enter Dreamland, with Colonel Tecumseh Dog Bastian at the helm. Storm is not happy by Dreamland's interference and in the midst of the one-up-man-ship one of Dog's team is killed by the pirates. Suddenly Dreamland are faced with a powerful enemy, an enemy who intends to cause maximum destruction and maximum pain.

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The seventh in the series of high-tech thrillers centred on Dreamland. Dreamland is a cutting-edge weapons research facility in the Nevada desert, home to some of the world's finest pilots and an elite combat unit that operates directly at the command of the US President. When a small flotilla of high speed boats begins harassing civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden below the Red Sea, a special group of experimental warships is tasked to investigate and stop the pirates. The operation is lead by Captain Harold Storm Gale, but the danger is considerably greater than they first envisioned and lives are lost. Enter Dreamland, with Colonel Tecumseh Dog Bastian at the helm. Storm is not happy by Dreamland's interference and in the midst of the one-up-man-ship one of Dog's team is killed by the pirates. Suddenly Dreamland are faced with a powerful enemy, an enemy who intends to cause maximum destruction and maximum pain.


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007182541

EAN 9780007182541

Serie Dale Brown's Dreamland

Genre Agenter og spioner

Språk Engelsk

Sider 505

Utgave 1

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