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Flamingo 2003 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

In a spectacular gothic castle of mechanical revolving doors, moving floors and unstable staircases broods Count Ostrov, obsessive collector of puzzles and stories. He charges Nicholas Flood, the legendary English printer, with the task of creating an infinite book; a story with no beginning and no end. But when Nicholas meets the Count's beautiful daughter Irena, a forbidden romance begins, and soon ends, as Nicholas is swiftly imprisoned in the castle's dungeon. Once free, he embarks on a perilous journey through Venice, Alexandria, China and London, on a quest for knowledge, and into the path of greater danger.

Omtale fra forlaget

In a spectacular gothic castle of mechanical revolving doors, moving floors and unstable staircases broods Count Ostrov, obsessive collector of puzzles and stories. He charges Nicholas Flood, the legendary English printer, with the task of creating an infinite book; a story with no beginning and no end. But when Nicholas meets the Count's beautiful daughter Irena, a forbidden romance begins, and soon ends, as Nicholas is swiftly imprisoned in the castle's dungeon. Once free, he embarks on a perilous journey through Venice, Alexandria, China and London, on a quest for knowledge, and into the path of greater danger.


Forlag Flamingo

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007128662

EAN 9780007128662

Genre Historisk litteratur

Omtalt tid 1700-tallet

Språk Engelsk

Sider 372

Utgave 1

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