Ryan Giggs

the man for all seasons

the official story of a Manchester United legend

av (forfatter) og Adam Marshall (forfatter).

2014 Innbundet

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 4.00 (1 terningkast.)

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Back in March 1991, a coltish dark-haired winger stepped out onto the Old Traffordpitch for a First Division game against Everton. Little did the crowd of 45,656 realise that they were seeing the beginnings of a truly unique career that would extend for 24 seasons and see him break almost every record in the book. Now, in this wonderful tribute to a United legend, we get to hear from those who played with and against him, those who coached him, and those who trained him, and find out what it was that set Ryan Giggs apart from the rest. Fully illustrated throughout, we hear from Eric Harrison how Giggs caught the eye of United's scouts as a youngster, and the work done that culminated in him becoming the leading light of the famous Class of 92. Senior players from that era, such as Bryan Robson and Steve Bruce, recall the impact he made when he was promoted to the first team, just as the club began its incredible reign of success under Alex Ferguson. After picking up the League Cup in 1992, Giggs went on to win a record-breaking 13 league titles, two Champions League medals, and many other honours in a career that would stretch to 963 appearances for United. His resilience and longevity amazed all who looked on, as he continued to play at the top level past his 40th birthday. And when David Moyes left the club, he was the natural replacement as interim manager, rallying the club to reclaim its roots. Now retired as a player, Giggs is about to begin a new role as assistant to Louis van Gaal.


Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781471139901

EAN 9781471139901

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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