
splendours of an ancient civilization

av (forfatter) og Fabio Bourbon (forfatter).

Thames and Hudson 2005 Innbundet

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This title celebrates the riches of the Roman civilization with photographs of monuments, art treasures, cities and landscapes. Imperial architecture and statues, frescoes and mosaics, metal work and jewellery are all featured. The accompanying text offers an insight into Roman society and ranges from military campaigns to daily customs, from works of art to household objects. Offering an overview of Rome's turbulent history, it also discusses the lives of everyday Romans, from their housing and clothing to entertainment, helping to construct an overall picture of a surprisingly sophisticated world. The reader is taken on a tour of the major sites of Italy and the empire, from Britannia in the west to the caravan cities of the Near East.

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This title celebrates the riches of the Roman civilization with photographs of monuments, art treasures, cities and landscapes. Imperial architecture and statues, frescoes and mosaics, metal work and jewellery are all featured. The accompanying text offers an insight into Roman society and ranges from military campaigns to daily customs, from works of art to household objects. Offering an overview of Rome's turbulent history, it also discusses the lives of everyday Romans, from their housing and clothing to entertainment, helping to construct an overall picture of a surprisingly sophisticated world. The reader is taken on a tour of the major sites of Italy and the empire, from Britannia in the west to the caravan cities of the Near East.


Forlag Thames and Hudson

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780500512050

EAN 9780500512050

Omtalt sted Romerriket

Språk Engelsk

Sider 292

Utgave 1

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