Road to paradise

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HarperCollins 2008 Heftet

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Love, passion and the road trip of a lifetime in this breathtaking new novel, perfect for all fans of Jodi Picoult Two girls, an open road and a shiny yellow Mustang; it could have been the trip of a lifetime. But when Shelby and Gina pick up hitchhiker Candy Cane, their troubles have only just started. Inked with flowers and covered in piercings, they soon find out pink-haired Candy is on the run - for reasons so appalling they're almost unspeakable. They should have stuck to their no hitchhiker rule, but it's too late - and Gina and Shelby are drawn into a terrifying game of cat and mouse with no way out. As everything familiar is stripped away and morals are turned upside down, the question is this: how far will they go for a stranger?

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Love, passion and the road trip of a lifetime in this breathtaking novel, perfect for all fans of Jodi Picoult, from the internationally bestselling author of The Bronze HorsemanTwo girls, an open road and a shiny yellow Mustang; it could have been the trip of a lifetime. But when Shelby and Gina pick up hitchhiker Candy Cane, their troubles have only just started. Inked with flowers and covered in piercings, they soon find out pink-haired Candy is on the run - for reasons so appalling they're almost unspeakable.They should have stuck to their no hitchhiker rule, but it's too late - and Gina and Shelby are drawn into a terrifying game of cat and mouse with no way out. As everything familiar is stripped away and morals are turned upside down, the question is this: how far will they go for a stranger?


Forlag HarperCollins

Utgivelsesår 2008

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007241583

EAN 9780007241583

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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