River of gods

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Simon and Schuster 2004 Heftet

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August 15th, 2047. Happy Hundredth Birthday, India. In the mid twenty-first century, Mother India is all the things she is now - ancient and vibrant, poor yet staggeringly rich. Diverse, violent, beautiful and terrible, thrilling and bewildering. A nation choked with peoples and cultures, riven with almost seismic contrasts and contradictions. Nearly two billion humans crowd the subcontinent and her seething cities - the cyberabads - where timeless culture and the highest of high-technologies meet to spawn new societies, and - possibly - new sentient species.

Omtale fra forlaget

August 15th, 2047. Happy Hundredth Birthday, India. In the mid twenty-first century, Mother India is all the things she is now - ancient and vibrant, poor yet staggeringly rich. Diverse, violent, beautiful and terrible, thrilling and bewildering. A nation choked with peoples and cultures, riven with almost seismic contrasts and contradictions. Nearly two billion humans crowd the subcontinent and her seething cities - the cyberabads - where timeless culture and the highest of high-technologies meet to spawn new societies, and - possibly - new sentient species.


Forlag Simon and Schuster

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780743256704

EAN 9780743256704

Genre Science fiction

Omtalt tid 2000-tallet

Omtalt sted India

Språk Engelsk

Sider 583

Utgave 1

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