Risk and risk science

stories and reflections

av (forfatter).

Scandinavian University Press 2023 E-bok

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Today, risk is on the agenda in most contexts: in connection with climate change, medicine and health, technology, economics, and much more. We often refer to the precautionary principle, but do we really understand this term? And when is it a meaningful principle to use? When accidents occur, we often complain about the preparedness being poor. But how good should the preparedness and safety be? It is rare for media people, bureaucrats, or politicians to explain to us what risk really means. The politicians would like to follow the science, but the science does not always give clear answers, particularly when the uncertainties are large. Metaphors like black swans and perfect storms are popular, but giving them precise interpretations is not so easy. This book is a collection of stories and reflections on risk and risk science. The aim is to give you, the reader, knowledge about how risk intervenes in our lives and society, and how risk science can help us understand, analyze, communicate, and handle risk. The author guides you through these topics without going into too much detail, and without becoming too technical. The book is aimed at pupils and students and will work excellently as a first introduction to studies in risk-related subjects. It also provides an interesting and exciting introduction to the subject for those who work with problems related to risk in society - for example if you are an engineer, economist, healthcare worker or manager - in both the public and private sectors.


Forlag Scandinavian University Press

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format E-bok

ISBN13 9788215066660

EAN 9788215066660

Språk Engelsk

Sider 135

Utgave 1

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