Return to my soul

av (forfatter).

Gabrielle Bergan 2014 Heftet

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From the land of the midnight sun comes an extraordinary story about a journey to find the self.

Tracing her life from an abusive childhood in Australia to marriage and settling in Norway, Gabrielle Bergan tells of her search for a sense of belonging and the wish to find her real self.

In her late forties and reaching a critical point in her life, she asks the question that most of us ask sometime during our lives: `Who am I?'

Dramatic events follow that lead to the breakdown of her marriage, the fragmentation of her personal identity, and the emergence of her soul - the self she was longing to find.

return to my soul:

Offers hope and inspiration
Points a way to the self
Reveals the magnificence at our core

What readers are saying:

This beautifully written story captures the amazing journey of returning to the core of our being. Gabrielle Bergan's authentic nature and powerful yet simple story-telling skills weave the reader into her world where she engages on a level that triggers and evokes the importance of healing from the root. Iris Canham-Gezane, author of The Wounded Daughters of Africa.

Return to My Soul starts out as a quaint meandering of a girl's journey to becoming a woman. A coming of age story on its face...until the bottom drops out and the chasm rocks you to your core, and that is where the journey truly begins. Superbly crafted, raw, and powerful. Shawn Marie Paul, author of Life in Motion.

In her Memoir, Return To My Soul, Gabrielle Bergan bares her soul with utmost honesty, brilliant clarity, and with a generous heart. Return To My Soul is a groundbreaking and stunning illustration of the `Heroine's Journey'. Medea Bavarella Chechik. of the most intense descriptions of waking up beyond thought that I have ever read. Gabrielle Bergan shares her journey to awakening in a naked and raw way. I highly recommend Return to My Soul. Susanne Dau-Kayser.

If you want to read a book that grabs you from the first page and pulls you through the entire book in one sitting, this is the one. Buy it. Read it. Reflect on it. You will not leave this book untouched. Jamie Siv Rognstad.


Forlag Gabrielle Bergan

Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788299941501

EAN 9788299941501

Genre Personlige beretninger

Omtalt sted Norge Australia

Omtalt person Gabrielle Bergan

Språk Engelsk

Sider 178

Utgave 1

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