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2007 Heftet

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Matthew Hawkwood. Soldier, spy, lover, a man as dangerous as the criminals he hunts. The tough Bow street runner is back where he's not wanted, in the most forbidding places London has to offer: its graveyards and the rank, sinister halls of Bedlam, the country's most notorious lunatic asylum. There are missing bodies all around, dead and alive. Far more worrying is the escape from Bedlam of a very unusual inmate: one Colonel Titus Xavier Hyde, an obsessive, gifted surgeon whose insanity is only matched by his dark intelligence. And this twisted genius has a point to prove. Which will mean plenty more work for the gravediggers. This is a sequel to Ratcatcher.

Omtale fra forlaget

Hawkwood, the Regency James Bond, returns in this gripping, action packed sequel to the bestselling `Ratcatcher'.Matthew Hawkwood. Soldier, spy, lover - a man as dangerous as the criminals he hunts.The tough Bow Street Runner is back where he's not wanted, in the most forbidding places London has to offer: its graveyards and the rank, sinister halls of Bedlam, the country's most notorious lunatic asylum.There are missing bodies all around - dead and alive. 'Resurrection men' serve the demands of the city's surgeons by stealing corpses - and creating a few of their own along the way.Far more worrying is the escape from Bedlam of a very unusual inmate: one Colonel Titus Xavier Hyde, an obsessive, gifted surgeon whose insanity is only matched by his dark intelligence. And this twisted genius has a point to prove. Which will mean plenty more work for the gravediggers...


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780007212712

EAN 9780007212712

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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