Remember the 70s

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2007 Innbundet

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"Remember the 70s" is a fantastic value book featuring some of the musical highlights of the 70's. The book concentrates on the music, film, sport and TV events of the 70s and also covers key news items of the decade. Packed with brilliant illustrations, this is a truly nostalgic look at the hippy seventies and is a perfect Christmas gift.

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Remember the 70s is a fantastic 160-page hardback gift book which is superb value at GBP14.99. Written by Michael Heatley, it is a nostalgic look at the best music, movies, TV programmes and events of the eventful Seventies. Illustrated with fantastic colour and black and white photographs including posters and other archive materials, this is a superb gift for all lovers of nostalgia.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781905009657

EAN 9781905009657

Omtalt tid 1970-1979

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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