Redemption road

av (forfatter).

Hodder 2017 Heftet

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Elizabeth Black is a hero. She is a cop who single-handedly rescued a young girl from a locked cellar and shot two brutal kidnappers dead. But she's also a cop with a history, a woman with a secret. And she's not the only one.Adrian Wall is finally free after thirteen years of torture and abuse. In the very first room he walks into, a boy with a gun is waiting to avenge the death of his mother. But that is the least of Adrian's problems.He was safer in prison.And deep in the forest, on the altar of an abandoned church, a body cools in pale linen. It is not the first to be found.This is a town on the brink. This is Redemption Road.Brimming with tension, secrets, and betrayal, brilliantly evoking an America of small towns and remote landscapes, of the abandoned, the derelict and the desperate, this is a novel so chillingly suspenseful and a story so full of twists and turns that you simply cannot stop reading. It marks a new high point in the writing of this bestselling master of the literary thriller.


Forlag Hodder

Utgivelsesår 2017

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781848541832

EAN 9781848541832

Genre Thrillere

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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