Red mist

Roy Keane and the football civil war

a fan's story

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Bloomsbury 2004 Innbundet

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2002 was the year of Roy Keane, if not exactly Roy Keane's year. Banished from Ireland's World Cup squad and then suspended by the English FA after comments in his best-seller autobiography, the Manchester United and Ireland captain was seldom out of the news. "Red Mist" - a passionate exploration of celebrity, temperament, one-all victories, Saipan, the World Cup and national aspiration - is Conor O'Callaghan's personal memoir of an Irish hero arraigned in the court of public opinion. It records the arguments in bars and across shop counters, the media debates, the torrent of rumours that swirled around the Irish team. It also sees the story from quirky angles: the drawings of the writer's football-mad 7-year-old son and the mysterious disappearance of his rag doll Mr Roy Keane during the 5 days of shame, plus letters in newspapers, eavesdropped conversations, tirades on website comment pages and even the washing powder commercials featuring Mrs Niall Quinn. Funny, polemical and unexpectedly moving, "Red Mist" is a portrait of a nation divided, and the summer when football and the love of football made players of us all.

Omtale fra forlaget

2002 was the year of Roy Keane, if not exactly Roy Keane's year. Banished from Ireland's World Cup squad and then suspended by the English FA after comments in his best-seller autobiography, the Manchester United and Ireland captain was seldom out of the news. "Red Mist" - a passionate exploration of celebrity, temperament, one-all victories, Saipan, the World Cup and national aspiration - is Conor O'Callaghan's personal memoir of an Irish hero arraigned in the court of public opinion. It records the arguments in bars and across shop counters, the media debates, the torrent of rumours that swirled around the Irish team. It also sees the story from quirky angles: the drawings of the writer's football-mad 7-year-old son and the mysterious disappearance of his rag doll Mr Roy Keane during the 5 days of shame, plus letters in newspapers, eavesdropped conversations, tirades on website comment pages and even the washing powder commercials featuring Mrs Niall Quinn. Funny, polemical and unexpectedly moving, "Red Mist" is a portrait of a nation divided, and the summer when football and the love of football made players of us all.


Forlag Bloomsbury

Utgivelsesår 2004

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780747570141

EAN 9780747570141

Omtalt sted Irland

Omtalt person Roy Keane

Språk Engelsk

Sider 240

Utgave 1

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