Queen of our times

the life of Queen Elizabeth II

av (forfatter).

Macmillan 2022 Heftet

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The definitive new biography of Her Majesty The Queen by one of Britain's leading royal authorities.

With original insights from those who know her best, new interviews with world leaders and access to unseen papers, bestselling author Robert Hardman explores the full, astonishing life of our longest reigning monarch in this compellingly authoritative yet intimate biography.

Elizabeth II was not born to be queen. Yet from her accession as a young mother of two in 1952 to the age of Covid-19, she has proved an astute and quietly determined figure, leading her family and her people through more than seventy years of unprecedented social change. She has faced constitutional crises, confronted threats against her life, rescued the Commonwealth, seen her prime ministers come and go, charmed world leaders, been criticised as well as feted by the media, and steered her family through a lifetime in the public eye.

Queen of Our Times is a must-read study of dynastic survival and renewal, spanning abdication, war, romance, danger and tragedy. It is a compelling portrait of a leader who remains as intriguing today as the day she came to the throne aged twenty-five.


Forlag Macmillan

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781529063424

EAN 9781529063424

Omtalt tid 1900-tallet

Omtalt sted Storbritannia

Omtalt person Elizabeth II

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

Utgave 1

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