QuarkXpress 5 bible

av (forfatter), Barbara Assadi (forfatter) og Kelly Kordes Anton (medforfatter).

Hungry Minds 2003 Heftet

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This comprehensive guide to QuarkXpress explains through many visual examples how to use the layout program in the context of real work - whether designing for print or for the Web. Not a regurgitation of the product manuals, this book comes from the perspective of the designer to help the designer use QuarkXpress most effectively. It covers all significant aspects of Quark, and includes hundreds of new features included with the long-anticipated version 5, from colour printing to online publishing with HTML, workgroup publishing to cross-platform exchange, source file preparation to printed output, and from new XML tools to XML-based documents for multiple media.

Omtale fra forlaget

This comprehensive guide to QuarkXpress explains through many visual examples how to use the layout program in the context of real work - whether designing for print or for the Web. Not a regurgitation of the product manuals, this book comes from the perspective of the designer to help the designer use QuarkXpress most effectively. It covers all significant aspects of Quark, and includes hundreds of new features included with the long-anticipated version 5, from colour printing to online publishing with HTML, workgroup publishing to cross-platform exchange, source file preparation to printed output, and from new XML tools to XML-based documents for multiple media.


Forlag Hungry Minds

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780764534164

EAN 9780764534164

Serie Bible

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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