Public art in Trondheim

av (forfatter), Grethe Britt Fredriksen (foto) og Nichola Smalley (oversetter).

Museumsforlaget 2022 Innbundet

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Engelsk oversettelse av «Kunstguiden. Utendørskunst i Trondheim sentrum».

Did you know there is a Gustav Vigeland sculpture in the centre of Trondheim? Or that the water channel that starts just outside Hornemansgården is a precise reproduction of the Nidelva river's course from Selbusjøen to the fjord?

Trondheim has a wealth of public artworks. But while Nidaros Cathedral is famed for the sculptures on its West Front, fewer people are aware that Trondheim's investment in outdoor public art is one of the boldest in Norway.

This book tells the story of Trondheim's sculptures and other artworks through text and images. You can find out who the artists are, what the sculptures express, and why they were erected. Each of the works is marked on a map in the book. Whether you want to take a walking tour through Trondheim's sculptural history, or just inform yourself about the works more generally, this is the guide for you!

The book's author is the art historian and columnist for Trondheim's Adresseavisen newspaper, Gustav Svihus Borgersen, and the photographs are the work of the artist Grethe Britt Fredriksen.


Forlag Museumsforlaget

Utgivelsesår 2022

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9788283051322

EAN 9788283051322

Omtalt sted Trondheim

Språk Engelsk

Sider 183

Utgave 1

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