Programming Microsoft Access with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET for

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Microsoft Press 2002 Heftet

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Provides details on how to build or upgrade Access-based client applications with Visual Basic .NET, including code samples, tips on using XML Web services, and techniques for data types, loops, and file processing.

Omtale fra forlaget

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a new world for developers who work with Microsoft Access and Visual Basic for Applications. This book provides complete, practical details on how to build Access-based client applications with Visual Basic .NET. The author sets the stage with details about how .NET pertains to Access developers, explores programming with Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft ADO.NET, and puts it all together with details about how to develop Web applications and services with these tools. The author also provides illustrative examples and extensive sample code-available on the Web so that developers can see the sample code in action and learn how to apply it to working applications.


Forlag Microsoft Press

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780735618190

EAN 9780735618190

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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