
the rise and fall of a nordic art scene 1986-2006

av (forfatter) og René Lauritsen (oversetter).

Torpedo Press 2023 E-bok

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Post-Nordic - The Rise and Fall of a Nordic Art Scene 1986-2006 is the first extensive survey of Nordic art during the transition from postmodernism to what might be called "the period of contemporary art".

The book revolves around three historical situations: The early 1990s, when the artists, critics and curators associated with the "new" art scenes began challenging the prevailing Nordic postmodernism. The late 1990s, when the nineties generation was controversially labeled "the Nordic Miracle." And the 2000s, when the Nordic art world experienced a turn to the right regarding cultural politics and a turn to the left within the art institution.

Post-Nordic presents analyses of artworks, exhibitions, publications and institutions over a twenty-year period, creating a historical and political portrait of the forces that have shaped and continue to shape our understandings of art.

Accessibly written by an author with first-hand knowledge of the period, the book lends prominence to the voices of the artists and critics who were active at the time. Covered themes include new media, postnationalism, feminism, identity politics, social art, globalisation and activism.


Forlag Torpedo Press

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format E-bok

ISBN13 9788293104308

EAN 9788293104308

Omtalt tid 1960-1999 2000-2009 2010-2019

Omtalt sted Norge

Språk Engelsk

Sider 402

Utgave 1

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