Pocket dictionary of ancient egyptian gods and goddesses

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British Museum Press 2001 Innbundet

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This pocket dictionary provides an introduction to the pantheon of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Thirty-five deities are described and illustrated with photographs from the collections of The British Museum and elsewhere in this book for adults and children alike. All entries are fully cross-referenced and an A-Z contents list enables the reader to find easily a particular deity. The appearance, attributes, roles and responsibilities of each god and goddess are described.

Omtale fra forlaget

This pocket dictionary provides an introduction to the pantheon of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Thirty-five deities are described and illustrated with photographs from the collections of The British Museum and elsewhere in this book for adults and children alike. All entries are fully cross-referenced and an A-Z contents list enables the reader to find easily a particular deity. The appearance, attributes, roles and responsibilities of each god and goddess are described.


Forlag British Museum Press

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780714119489

EAN 9780714119489

Omtalt tid Antikken

Omtalt sted Egypt

Språk Engelsk

Sider 48

Utgave 1

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