Philosophy in society

av (redaktør), Anders Holt (redaktør) og Helge Svare (redaktør).

Akademika 2007 Heftet

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How can philosophy be relevant to your life? This book contains twenty five papers providing a variety of answers to this question. They describe how philosophy may be the basis for counselling, organisational development, and dialogues with children. They present philosophical perspectives on psychotherapy and on key life issues that may arise in counselling or psychotherapy. Above all, this book covers recent developments in philosophical counselling, which is also known as philosophical practice. Philosophical practice involves the stimulation of philosophical reflection through the process of dialogue. By means of dialogue, people can achieve greater philosophical awareness in order to help them find answers to life.s problems. A knowledge of what is happening in this area will benefit both philosophers and those who have not yet discovered their philosophical talents. Apart from students and academic philosophers wanting to keep up with developments in this area, the book also has much to offer teachers, counsellors, psychotherapists and organisational consultants. Through the medium of philosophical counselling, philosophy reaches out to make contact with a variety of other disciplines and professions. The editors Henning Herrestad, Anders Holt, and Helge Svare helped to establish philosophical practice in Norway. With their colleagues they organised the 6th International Conference in Philosophy in Practice in Oslo, Norway, in 2001 at which the papers in this book were presented. The editors all work in Oslo, both in philosophical counselling, and in training others to become philosophical counsellors.


Forlag Akademika

Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788274771161

EAN 9788274771161

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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