People of the wolf

av (forfatter) og Kathleen O'Neal Gear (forfatter).

Tor Books 1990 Heftet

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In the dawn of history, a valiant people forged a pathway from an old world into the new one. Led by a dreamer who followed the spirit of the wolf, a handful of courageous men and women dared to cross the frozen wastes to find an untouched, unspoiled continent. This is the saga of the vision-filled man who led his people to an awesome destiny, and the courageous woman whose love and bravery drove them on in pursuit of that dream. The novel tells the true story of the ancestors of today's Native American peoples.

Omtale fra forlaget

In the dawn of history, a valiant people forged a pathway from an old world into the new one. Led by a dreamer who followed the spirit of the wolf, a handful of courageous men and women dared to cross the frozen wastes to find an untouched, unspoiled continent. This is the saga of the vision-filled man who led his people to an awesome destiny, and the courageous woman whose love and bravery drove them on in pursuit of that dream. The novel tells the true story of the ancestors of today's Native American peoples.


Forlag Tor Books

Utgivelsesår 1990

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780765350305

EAN 9780765350305

Genre Historisk litteratur

Omtalt tid Førhistorisk tid

Omtalt sted Amerika

Språk Engelsk

Sider 452

Utgave 1

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