People meet the law

control and conflict-handling in the courts

the Nordic countries in the post-reformation and pre-industrial period

av (redaktør) og Sølvi Bauge Sogner (redaktør).

Universitetsforlaget 2000 Heftet

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Hva slags saker hadde domstolene i Sverige, Finland, Danmark, Norge og Island under reformasjonstiden og fram til midten av 1800-tallet? Og hva slags straff ble gitt? Hvordan relaterte folk seg til reglene som ble gitt av kirke, stat og lokalsamfunn? Kan vi snakke om en nordisk modell for konfliktløsning og sosial kontroll? Denne boka prøver å gi et svar på disse spørsmålene. Har litteraturliste.

Omtale fra forlaget

What did the courts in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Iceland deal with from the Reformation until the mid-nineteenth century? What types of crime were brought before the courts, and what penalties were imposed? How did people relate to the norms that the state, the church, and the local community tried to maintain in society? Can we speak of a Nordic model for conflict resolution and social control in these countries, which were still mainly sparsely populated agrarian societies, often at war during the period, and governed by an increasingly powerful state and Lutheran ideology?
People Meet the Law tries to answer these questions, which are linked to current research on criminality, legal culture, and conflict handling. In searching for answers, the authors, while being open to the theories and concepts presented in international research, stay close to the documentary sources with their narratives of bloody quarrels, illicit sex, and stolen timber. We thus see men - and also to a large extent women - appearing as actors in the arena constituted by the courts, the church, the parish assemblies, and the special arbitration commissions. These encounters manifest the people's concern for honour, their sense of right and wrong, and also the authorities' endeavours to guarantee order in society.


Forlag Universitetsforlaget

Utgivelsesår 2000

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788251840118

EAN 9788251840118

Omtalt tid Nyere tid

Omtalt sted Norden

Språk Engelsk

Sider 301

Utgave 1

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