Past mortem

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Black Swan 2005 Heftet

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With old friends like these, who needs enemies? It's a question short, mild mannered detective Edward Newson is forced to ask himself when, in romantic desperation, he logs on to the Friends Reunited website in search of the girlfriends of his youth. Newson is not the only member of the Class of '86 who has been raking over the ashes of the past. As his old class begins to reassemble in cyberspace, the years slip away and old feuds and passions burn hot once more. Meanwhile, back in the present, Newson's life is no less complicated. Then a school reunion is planned and as history begins to repeat itself, the past crashes headlong into the present. Neither will ever be the same again.

Omtale fra forlaget

With old friends like these, who needs enemies? It's a question short, mild mannered detective Edward Newson is forced to ask himself when, in romantic desperation, he logs on to the Friends Reunited website in search of the girlfriends of his youth. Newson is not the only member of the Class of '86 who has been raking over the ashes of the past. As his old class begins to reassemble in cyberspace, the years slip away and old feuds and passions burn hot once more. Meanwhile, back in the present, Newson's life is no less complicated. Then a school reunion is planned and as history begins to repeat itself, the past crashes headlong into the present. Neither will ever be the same again.


Forlag Black Swan

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780552152655

EAN 9780552152655

Genre Politi og detektiver Krim

Språk Engelsk

Sider 459

Utgave 1

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