Oz Clarke's Bordeaux

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Little, Brown 2006 Innbundet

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Key features of the book are: A spotlight on each of Bordeaux's sub-regions, with clear maps and background text covering history, geography, climate, soils and grape varieties; Six panoramic maps giving a bird's-eye view of Bordeaux's top wine regions; Over 150 in-depth profiles of Bordeaux's most important chateaux, along with labels and tasting notes: Hundreds of chateaux and their individual wines personally recommended by Oz in at-a-glance lists covering both classic and new classic wines; In-depth profiles of major grape varieties, classic wine styles and top appellations; Up-to-date vintage information and advice on when to drink the wines; An A-Z of chateaux and their wines, including second wines and brands.

Omtale fra forlaget

Key features of the book are: A spotlight on each of Bordeaux's sub-regions, with clear maps and background text covering history, geography, climate, soils and grape varieties; Six panoramic maps giving a bird's-eye view of Bordeaux's top wine regions; Over 150 in-depth profiles of Bordeaux's most important chateaux, along with labels and tasting notes: Hundreds of chateaux and their individual wines personally recommended by Oz in at-a-glance lists covering both classic and new classic wines; In-depth profiles of major grape varieties, classic wine styles and top appellations; Up-to-date vintage information and advice on when to drink the wines; An A-Z of chateaux and their wines, including second wines and brands.


Forlag Little, Brown

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9780316030199

EAN 9780316030199

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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