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"Outdoors" covers a range of garden uses, from relaxation to entertainment. Readers are encouraged to look beyond the garden gate to consider garden styles worldwide. The book provides practical information on how to fulfil the requirements for each garden type and as well as presenting classic solutions, the authors provide imaginative, inspirational and up to date alternatives. Today's designed gardens also provide the appropriate means for putting conservation philosophies into practice whether it be for wildlife, recycling or water-wise gardening. This work includes practical advice on how to design your own garden and fifteen case studies throughout the book, personally chosen by the authors, demonstrate how innovative design can be translated to the garden whether on a grand scale or in the creative detailing that sets one garden apart from another. This exciting book, redefines garden design for the twenty-first century and shows the best and most stimulating examples from around the world. Whether you live in the town or country and regardless of the size of your garden, "Outdoors" will be an invaluable source of information and inspiration.

Omtale fra forlaget

"Outdoors" covers a range of garden uses, from relaxation to entertainment. Readers are encouraged to look beyond the garden gate to consider garden styles worldwide. The book provides practical information on how to fulfil the requirements for each garden type and as well as presenting classic solutions, the authors provide imaginative, inspirational and up to date alternatives. Today's designed gardens also provide the appropriate means for putting conservation philosophies into practice whether it be for wildlife, recycling or water-wise gardening. This work includes practical advice on how to design your own garden and fifteen case studies throughout the book, personally chosen by the authors, demonstrate how innovative design can be translated to the garden whether on a grand scale or in the creative detailing that sets one garden apart from another. This exciting book, redefines garden design for the twenty-first century and shows the best and most stimulating examples from around the world. Whether you live in the town or country and regardless of the size of your garden, "Outdoors" will be an invaluable source of information and inspiration.


Utgivelsesår 2007

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781840914832

EAN 9781840914832

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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