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Kjøp boka hos ark.no

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Andreas Bitesnich focuses his camera on the contours and surfaces of the human body - male and female figures transformed into timeless works of art. His nude "forms" are erotic and highly charged yet simple. In a departure from his established work, he has shot most of this collection in luminous colour. Here is a celebration of the human body revealed in striking photographs of energy, originality and artistry.

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Andreas Bitesnich focuses his camera on the contours and surfaces of the human body - male and female figures transformed into timeless works of art. His nude "forms" are erotic and highly charged yet simple. In a departure from his established work, he has shot most of this collection in luminous colour. Here is a celebration of the human body revealed in striking photographs of energy, originality and artistry.


Forlag teNeues

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9783823845560

EAN 9783823845560

Språk Flerspråklig

Utgave 1

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