On a beautiful day

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Pan Books 2018 Heftet

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It's a beautiful day in Manchester and four friends are meeting for a birthday lunch. But then they witness a shocking accident just metres away which acts as a catalyst for each of them.
For Laura, it's a wake-up call to heed the ticking of her biological clock. Sensible Jo finds herself throwing caution to the wind in a new relationship. Eve, who has been trying to ignore the worrying lump in her breast, feels helpless and out of control. And happy-go-lucky India is drawn to one of the victims of the accident, causing long-buried secrets to rise to the surface.
On a Beautiful Day is a novel about the startling and unexpected turns life can take. It's about luck - good and bad - and about finding bravery and resilience when your world is in turmoil. Above all, it's about friendship, togetherness and hope.


Forlag Pan Books

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781509851065

EAN 9781509851065

Omtalt sted England

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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