Oh the glory of it all

av (forfatter).

The Penguin Press 2005 Innbundet

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When Sean turns nine years old, his father divorces his mother and marries her best friend. Sean's life blows apart. His mother first invites him to commit suicide with her, and then has a vision that requires packing her luggage and travelling the globe, a retinue of multiracial children in tow. Her goal: peace on earth (and a Nobel Prize). Sean hopes his father will rejoin the family; instead he is in the clutches of the fairy-tale-worthy stepmother, sending Sean off to boarding school.

Omtale fra forlaget

When Sean turns nine years old, his father divorces his mother and marries her best friend. Sean's life blows apart. His mother first invites him to commit suicide with her, and then has a vision that requires packing her luggage and travelling the globe, a retinue of multiracial children in tow. Her goal: peace on earth (and a Nobel Prize). Sean hopes his father will rejoin the family; instead he is in the clutches of the fairy-tale-worthy stepmother, sending Sean off to boarding school.


Forlag The Penguin Press

Utgivelsesår 2005

Format Innbundet

ISBN13 9781594200519

EAN 9781594200519

Omtalt sted San Francisco

Omtalt person Sean Wilsey Pat Montandon

Språk Engelsk

Sider 482

Utgave 1

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