Norwegian natural gas

liberalization of the European gas market

av (forfatter).

Europa-programmet 2003 Heftet

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This book is a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing market liberalization of European gas markets and Norway's role as a major gas exporter. The book argues that liberalization of a market for a non-renewable resource like natural gas presents substantial challenges for the regulator as well as the regulated. It also demonstrates that the rent to be distributed in the gas chain, will make the European gas market more politicized than most other markets in the world for the foreseeable future. The processes are important not only to Norwegian and European economic interests and trade, but also to diplomacy, foreign and security policy. With indeks.

Omtale fra forlaget

This book is a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing market liberalization of European gas markets and Norway's role as a major gas exporter. The book argues that liberalization of a market for a non-renewable resource like natural gas presents substantial challenges for the regulator as well as the regulated. It also demonstrates that the rent to be distributed in the gas chain, will make the European gas market more politicized than most other markets in the world for the foreseeable future. The processes are important not only to Norwegian and European economic interests and trade, but also to diplomacy, foreign and security policy. With indeks.


Forlag Europa-programmet

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788291165301

EAN 9788291165301

Omtalt sted Norge

Språk Engelsk

Sider 272

Utgave 1

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