Norwegian-American essays 2014

migrant journeys

the Norwegian-American experience in a multicultural context

av (redaktør) og Harry T. Cleven (redaktør).

Novus 2014 Heftet

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The theme of this fourteenth volume of Norwegian-American Essays, .Migrant Journeys: The Norwegian-American Experience in a Multicultural Context," is representative of the eleven essays included here. . . . Between 1825 and the 1930s at least 850,000 persons emigrated from Norway to the USA, but for the last 50 years remigration also was significant. This migration pattern coincided with the overseas migration from Europe between 1815 and the 1930s with an estimated 55 million people. Although a major movement, the Atlantic migration system only existed as one of several global migration movements in this period. This said, it is by studying such migration systems more closely that we as readers can decipher details in the migrant epic. In this respect, the essays in this publication each reveal the fine fibers that make history
which were the factors that influenced migration
how did the journey affect them in their encounter with migrants from other regional, economic, and social backgrounds in the United States? As a consequence, all contributors are less concerned with the history of Norwegian migration than with aspects of American migration and ethnic history. Each article discusses the transnational nature of the emigrant story, but from various disciplinary perspectives. They treat various aspects of ethnicity formation through the dichotomy of tradition and change, in other words, through cultural retention or assimilation. The articles included in this volume thus remind us that the immigrant experience may be described through various lenses. We must bear in mind that the experiences displayed both in text and illustrations are colored by our individual perceptions. It is this fascinating universe that makes us interested in the journey of peoples found in migration studies.


Forlag Novus

Utgivelsesår 2014

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9788270997589

EAN 9788270997589

Serier NAHA-Norway (14) Norwegian-American essays

Omtalt sted Norge USA

Språk Bokmål Flerspråklig Engelsk

Sider 331

Utgave 1

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