
the viking saga 793-1241

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Head of Zeus 2016 Heftet

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The violent and predatory society of Dark Age Scandinavia left a unique impact on the history of medieval Europe. From their chill northern fastness, Norse warriors, explorers and merchants raided, traded, and settled across wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic from the late 8th to the mid-11th century. THE VIKING CHRONICLES narrates their story focusing on places where key events were played out, from the sack of Lindisfarne in 793 to the murder in Iceland in 1241 of the saga-writer Snorri Sturluson. Such episodes are fascinating in themselves, but also shed crucial light on the nature of Viking activity - its causes, effects, and the reasons for its decline. In 800 the Scandinavians were barbarians in longboats bent on plunder and rapine; by 1200, their homelands were an integral part of Latin Christendom. John Haywood tells, in authoritative but compellingly readable fashion, the extraordinary story of the Viking Age.


Forlag Head of Zeus

Utgivelsesår 2016

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781781855256

EAN 9781781855256

Omtalt tid Vikingtiden

Omtalt sted Norden

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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