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Set over two decades of convulsive change, "Noon" is the moving story of Rehan Tabassum, a young man whose heart is split across two cultures' troubled divide. Rehan's mother and her new husband are the embodiment of a dazzling, emergent India. Yet as the old, muted order of dust and shortages recedes, Rehan finds himself unmoored. With his father still a powerful shadow across the border in Pakistan, Rehan's journey begins: through lands of sudden wealth and hidden violence, in an atmosphere of political quicksand and moral danger, towards the centre of a dark, shifting world. "Noon" is a startling and incisive novel from a brilliant young writer, uniquely placed to bear witness to some of the most urgent questions of our times. Praise for "The Temple-Goers": "Naipaul's praise is rare enough to be notable; and Taseer lives up to it ...among the sharpest and best-written fictions about contemporary India." ("Independent"). "A coolly accomplished, pulsating account of modern-day Delhi." ("Guardian").


Utgivelsesår 2011

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780330540414

EAN 9780330540414

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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