Nightflyers and other stories

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Harper Voyager 2018 Heftet

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An epic collection of science fiction tales around space exploration and cosmic horror by the #1 bestselling author of A Game of Thrones - with the titular story, Nightflyers, coming to Netflix in 2018

On a voyage toward the boundaries of the known universe, nine misfit academics seek out first contact with a shadowy alien race.

But another enigma is the Nightflyer itself, a cybernetic wonder with an elusive captain no one has ever seen in the flesh.

Soon, however, the crew discovers that their greatest mystery - and most dangerous threat - is an unexpected force aboard the ship wielding a thirst for blood and terror...

Also included are five additional classic George R.R. Martin tales of science fiction that explore the breadth of technology and the dark corners of the human mind.


Forlag Harper Voyager

Utgivelsesår 2018

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780008300760

EAN 9780008300760

Genre Science fiction

Språk Engelsk

Sider 384

Utgave 1

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