Nietzsche And Philosophy (European Perspectives)

av (forfatter) og Michael Hardt (foreword).

Columbia University Press 2006 Paperback

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Forlag Columbia University Press

Utgivelsesår 2006

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780231138772

Språk Engelsk

Sider 256

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"Those who suffer from the superabundance of life" make suffering an affirmation in the same way as they make intoxication an activity; in the laceration of Dionysus they recognise the extreme form of affirmation, with no possibility of subtraction, exception or choice. "Those who suffer, on the contrary, from an impoverishment of life" make intoxication a convulsion, a numbness; they make suffering a means of accusing life, of contradicting it and also a means of justifying life, of resolving the contradiction. All this in fact goes into the idea of a saviour; there is no more beautiful saviour than the one who would be simultaneously executioner, victim and comforter, the Holy Trinity, the wonderful dream of bad conscience. From the point of view of a saviour, "life must be the path which leads to sainthood". From the point of view of Dionysius, "existence seems holy enough by itself to justify a further immensity of suffering".

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