Netscape and HTML explorer

av (forfatter) og Jeff Duntemann (medforfatter).

IDG Books 1995 Heftet

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The book contains: Web publishing design tips and techniques; step-by-step techniques for creating Web pages with HTML+ and CGI scripts; secrets of creating tables, forms, backgrounds and much more with HTML's extended features; detailed referece guide featuring the best HTML and publishing resources on the Web; previously undocumented ways to configure and customize Netscape; the fast and easy ways to sign up for Internet service, including all the software one might need, right on the CD-ROM. Includes an index.

Omtale fra forlaget

The book contains: Web publishing design tips and techniques; step-by-step techniques for creating Web pages with HTML+ and CGI scripts; secrets of creating tables, forms, backgrounds and much more with HTML's extended features; detailed referece guide featuring the best HTML and publishing resources on the Web; previously undocumented ways to configure and customize Netscape; the fast and easy ways to sign up for Internet service, including all the software one might need, right on the CD-ROM. Includes an index.


Forlag IDG Books

Utgivelsesår 1995

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9781883577575

EAN 9781883577575

Språk Engelsk

Sider 723

Utgave 1

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