My tinnitus story

a symptom medical science has not understood

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Werner Froeynes 2023 E-bok

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A symptom not understood by medical science. A book about tinnitus – and about an important cause. My story goes back to 1991. I was 26 at the time. The book that I have written is about my journey with tinnitus. From the time before it manifested in 2010, until spring 2023. It describes a long struggle, and a physical journey that brought me to England, the United States and Germany in search of a solution. I found the cause of my tinnitus, but met hospital doctors who did not understand, nor were they interested in researching the cause of my tinnitus. I was let down by the Norwegian health care system. It is claimed that there are many causes of tinnitus. I suspect the cause I found may be important for a lot of people. Medical science seems to be groping blindly, with lofty theories about phantom sounds created in the brain. The solution is probably much simpler.. Werner Frøynes is MSc Pharm from the University of Oslo, 1992. He has worked in pharmaceutical industry, hospitals and pharmacies. In the period from 1998-2014 he established and owned 4 pharmacies. In 2010 he was affected by tinnitus, and since 2014 he has had disabling tinnitus.


Forlag Werner Froeynes

Utgivelsesår 2023

Format E-bok

ISBN13 9788283282993

EAN 9788283282993

Genre Personlige beretninger

Omtalt person Werner Frøynes

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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