
an illustrated encyclopedia of musical instruments and the great composers

av (forfatter) og Wendy Thompson (forfatter).

Lorenz Books 2003 Heftet

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Omtale fra Den Norske Bokdatabasen

A comprehensive encyclopedia of musical instruments, covering all sections of the orchestra: strings, woodwind and brass, percussion, keyboards and the voice, as well as historical rare and non-Western instruments. A guide to over 100 of the most famous classical composers, from Bach to Xenakis, encompassing all styles of composition from medieval times to the present day. The text features at-a-glance fact boxes that summarize key information about instruments, performers and composers work. With index.

Omtale fra forlaget

A comprehensive encyclopedia of musical instruments, covering all sections of the orchestra: strings, woodwind and brass, percussion, keyboards and the voice, as well as historical rare and non-Western instruments. A guide to over 100 of the most famous classical composers, from Bach to Xenakis, encompassing all styles of composition from medieval times to the present day. The text features at-a-glance fact boxes that summarize key information about instruments, performers and composers work. With index.


Forlag Lorenz Books

Utgivelsesår 2003

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780754812357

EAN 9780754812357

Språk Engelsk

Sider 512

Utgave 1

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