
the story of man's deadliest foe

av (forfatter) og Michael D'Antonio (forfatter).

Faber & Faber 2002 Heftet

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Professor Andrew Spielman has dedicated his life to understanding this insect. Here, he tells the story of man's struggle to live with the mosquito, from the defeat of Sir Francis Drake's fleet, to the death of thousands of Frenchmen working on the Panama Canal, to the panic over the West Nile Virus in New York. He shows how we have accelerated the spread of disease, describing the catastrophic failures of mosquito controls which have ensured that - even now - one person dies of malaria every 12 seconds.

Omtale fra forlaget

Professor Andrew Spielman has dedicated his life to understanding this insect. Here, he tells the story of man's struggle to live with the mosquito, from the defeat of Sir Francis Drake's fleet, to the death of thousands of Frenchmen working on the Panama Canal, to the panic over the West Nile Virus in New York. He shows how we have accelerated the spread of disease, describing the catastrophic failures of mosquito controls which have ensured that - even now - one person dies of malaria every 12 seconds.


Forlag Faber & Faber

Utgivelsesår 2002

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780571209859

EAN 9780571209859

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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