Moon Palace

av (forfatter).

Faber and Faber Paperback

Gjennomsnittlig terningkast: 5.00 (1 terningkast.)

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Forlag Faber and Faber

Format Paperback

ISBN13 9780571168637

Språk Engelsk

Sider 320

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Dette må være noe av det vakreste jeg har lest:

«The night before we left, Byrne and I sat up talking. He showed me his surveying equipment, and l remember being in one of those excited moods when everything suddenly seems to fit together in a new way. Byrne told me that you can't fix your exact position on the earth without referring to some point in the sky. Something to do with triangulation, the technique of measurement, I forget the details. The crux was compelling to me, though, it’s never left me since. A man can’t know where he is on the earth except in relation to the moon or a star. Astronomy comes first; land maps follow because of it. Just the opposite of what you’d expect. If you think about it long enough, it will turn your brain inside-out. A here exists only in relation to a there, not the other way around. There’s this only because there’s that; if we don’t look up; we’ll never know what's down. Think of it, boy. We find ourselves only by looking to what we’re not. You can’t put your feet on the ground until you’ve touched the sky.»

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