
Stories of Almost Everyone

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Nation Books 2009 Kindle Edition

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Forlag Nation Books

Utgivelsesår 2009

Format Kindle Edition

Språk Engelsk

Sider 402

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King Henry VIII of England had six queens.
He widowed easily.

Godt sagt! (7) Varsle Svar

.......the potato was a root grown in the depths of the earth, where hell has its caves. Doctors knew it caused leprosy and syphilis. In Irland, if a pregnant woman ate a potato at night, in the morning she would give birth to a monster. Until the end of the eighteenth century, the potato was fed only to prisoners, lunatics, and the dying.

Godt sagt! (6) Varsle Svar

In the year 1654, a young and flagrantly pregnant woman named Hendrickje Stoffels was juged and found guilty by the council of the Reformed Church in Amsterdam. She confessed to "having fornicated with the painter Rembrandt, and admitted to sharing his bed without being married, "like a whore," or in a more literal translation, "committing whoredom."
The counsil punished her by obliging her to penance and by permanently excluding her from the table of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rembrandt was not found guilty, perhaps because the jury had in mind the episode of Eve and the apple. But the scandal caused the price of his work to tumble and he had to declare bankruptcy.

Godt sagt! (4) Varsle Svar

One of the earliest proverbs, written in the langue of the Sumerians, exonerates drink in case of accident:

Beer is good.
What's bad is the road.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

He was one, he was many, he was everyone, he was one.

Fernando Pessoa, sad bureaucrat, prisoner of the clock, solitary author of love letters never sent, carried an insane asylum around inside himself.

Of the denizens, we know their names, the dates and even hours of their births, their astrological signs, weights, and heights.

And their works, because they were all poets.

Alberto Caeiro, pagan, mocker of metaphysics and other intellectual acrobatics that reduce life to concepts, wrote burps.

Ricardo Reis, monarchist, Hellenist, child of classical culture, who was born several times and had several astrological signs, wrote constructions.

Alvaro de Campos, engineer from Glasgow, vanguardist, who studied energy and feared losing his zest for life, wrote sensations.

Bernardo Soares, master of the paradox, prose poet, scholar, who claimed to be an unwilling aide in some library, wrote contradictions.

And Antonio Mora, psychiatrist and nutcase, interned at Cascais, wrote lucubrations and locobrations.

Pessoa also wrote. When the others slept.

Godt sagt! (3) Varsle Svar

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