Microsoft Excel version 2002

step by step

av (forfatter).

Microsoft Press 2001 Heftet

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With this book you can learn at your own pace, find exactly what you're looking for and practice with real-world examples. With index.

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Microsoft Excel provides one of the most complete sets of analysis tools in any spreadsheet. Excel version 2002 simplifies existing features and offers new tools that help the user work faster and smarter, with better Web integration and collaboration capabilities, and comprehensive tools for creating and analyzing, and sharing spreadsheet information. MICROSOFT EXCEL VERSION 2002 STEP BY STEP offers self-paced instruction to the beginning-to-intermediate user who wants to get the most out of Excel Version 2002-and prepare for Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) certification. This personal training system offers easy-to-follow lessons full of clear objectives, a wealth of task-oriented procedures, and dozens of real-world business scenarios. Each STEP BY STEP title consists of friendly, straightforward instruction with dozens of full-color screenshots and illustrations to help you learn exactly what you need to know at your own pace. A companion CD-ROM includes practice files that are tightly integrated with the lessons, plus movie-style demonstrations of key procedures. Other features include a "QuickLook Guide" in each chapter for easy visual navigation.


Forlag Microsoft Press

Utgivelsesår 2001

Format Heftet

ISBN13 9780735612969

EAN 9780735612969

Serie Step by step

Språk Engelsk

Utgave 1

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